Thursday, June 04, 2009

It's All In The Cape

Following is a conversation between Master Five and his big sister:

MF: Why did Superman lift up the whole mountain?

BS: Maybe he was saving people?

MF: No! Superheroes save the world by flying!

BS: Perhaps he wanted to show off his muscles.

MF: Yeah, maybe. I used to do that when I was little.

- R. Laklem

Friday, December 29, 2006

All Tinselled

I was at the hairdressers getting highlights. Our two younger children were enjoying a visit to the shopping mall's coin rides and playground with their minder. They popped in to say hello to me from time to time. On one of these such visits, our little 3 year old exclaimed excitedly when he saw me - "Mummy! You look like Christmas!!" I certainly did.

- R. Laklem.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Passing Dream

We were driving along one day when my daughter was not quite 2 years old. My mother and I were discussing the importance of well-balanced eating habits and deciding that we would go to a coffee shop to order a healthy lunch, when, what should come into view but the Big Golden arches! My daughter burst out in an excited song..."We're going to McDonald's, we're going to McDonald's". We glanced at each other and determinely continued driving. There was a slight pause as we passed, then her song started up again.....We're NOT going to McDonald's, we're NOT going to McDonald's!

- R. Laklem

Friday, July 28, 2006

Chocolate Math

"Can I have some chocolate, Mummy, please"? pleaded Master almost 3, as he held up 2 small chocolates. "I have one, two chocolates" he continued. "Yes, you have." I replied and proceeded to take off the wrappers for him. After finishing, he disappears to return with yet another 2 in his hand. "I have 2 more chocolates" he said. "Yes, you do" I replied. "I have 4 chocolates now?" he asked. How could I resist my little mathematician?

- R. Laklem

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Count Me In

We were sitting down at the dinner table together with a guest, the general conversation underway, when Miss 5 pipes up with "Is it rude to pick your nose in front of people, Mummy?" I replied in the affirmative. Miss 5 then went on to say "Even in front of you, Mum?"

- R. Laklem

Friday, May 19, 2006

Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?

My husband and I have always co-shared our bed with our kids. Our 5 year old was already in bed, I climbed in and snuggled up close to her Daddy, our 2 year old on the other side of me. Her small head appeared over the top of my husband, her face showing a mask of bewilderment. “What are you doing here, Mummy?”

- R. Laklem

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Time Warp

Grandson: What was it like in your day, Grandma?

Grandma: It still is my day. I'm still alive!

- Anon.