Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Not So 'Happy Meal'

Recently our 5 year old daughter had the thrill of receiving a McDonald's Happy Meal along with the ever-popular toy that makes the meal. This time it was a 'video-game'. As she ripped open the packaging, she held up a piece of paper that came with it and asked "These are the destructions aren't they Mum"?

- R. Laklem

Open Wide

Our daughter, once again at age 4, was eating an ice-cream. Her brother and sister had one each too. Being older, they quickly finished theirs, but hers was starting to melt and drip down her hand. With her siblings urging her to finish quickly, she replied in exasperation, "My mouth is not big like a SHARK'S !"

- R. Laklem.

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Our daughter, when she was about 4, was in a squabble with her elder sister and brother, being the youngest of the three, she finally had the last word when she blurted out "The Bible says.....(we waited with bated breath as to what she would say)......SHARE!!!!".

Needless to say, it stopped the fight.

- R. Laklem.